Pre-K Coordinator
304.472.5480 ext. 1043
Pre-K Coordinator
304.472.5480 ext. 1043
Director of Elementary Curriculum
304.472.5480 ext. 1070
Q: Do I register my child for Pre-K or Kindergarten?
A: If your child is 4 years old on or before June 30th, he/she is eligible for Pre-K. If your child is 5 years old on or before June 30th, he/she is eligible for Kindergarten.
Q: What happens if I enroll my child in Pre-K, but later decide not to send him/her?
A: Registration for Pre-K is non-binding, prior to the start of school. *If a child is 6 years old on June 30th, he/she must attend Kindergarten, per state law.
Q: What is the process for deciding which Pre-K classroom my child will attend?
A: The enrollment form allows for parents to indicate their choice of classrooms. We will also look at the school district in which your child lives, family and student special needs, including the need for before or after school care, and transportation availability.
Q: When and how will I find out my child’s Pre-K placement?
A: The Upshur County Core Early Childhood Team will determine placement. We plan to have placements completed in April and will notify parents by email or phone.
Q: My child attended Head Start last year; do I have to complete new enrollment forms?
A: Yes, we need current enrollment forms completed in order to consider your child in the Pre-K placement process.
Q: My child attended Pre-K this year and will be going to Kindergarten next year. Do I need to register?
A: Yes, you will need to complete the Kindergarten enrollment forms.
Q: What documentation do I need to provide?
A: You will be asked to provide the following documentation before your child starts school:
1. A birth certificate issued by the state (Not a hospital or county issued birth certificate; the state issued certificate will have a birth number in the upper right-hand corner.)
2. Immunization record (obtain from your child’s physician)
3. Health Check form (obtain from your child’s physician)
4. Verification of a dental exam (Upshur County dentists have been provided with a form to use, and it is available in the enrollment forms online at
Q: Where can I get a state issued birth certificate?
A: You can find and print out the form online at West Virginia Health Statistics Center
Q: When will school start?
A: The Upshur County Schools calendar will not be finalized until later in the spring. Once it is finalized, you will be able to find it on the Upshur County Schools’ website,
Q: How will I know what bus my child will ride?
A: The bus schedule will be published in the Record Delta the week before the start of school. Pre-K students are not guaranteed transportation, but it may be available dependent upon placement.
Q: Will I have a chance to meet my child’s teacher?
A: Each Pre-K classroom will have an Orientation, so your Pre-K child can visit the site and meet the teacher.